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Pilgrimage to sacred places by three sisters

Pilgrimage to sacred places by three sisters; "Meguru" "Hijili" "Reiko".

Three sisters visit every places which became a stage of Anime or Manga. "Anime or Manga pilgrimage to sacred places" A "mole" follows to the eldest daughter "Hijiri", twins' elder sister "Meguru", and twins' younger sister "Reiko."

The tale of three sisters who take a trip of an Anime or Manga pilgrimage to sacred places.

The parents of three sisters were died by the traffic accident six years ago. Three sisters were in the same car but their lives were saved. However, eldest daughter “Hijiri” was carrying out cord injury in the accident, and she has a wheelchair life. If she uses a crutch, she can walk along a few.

The situation of the traffic accident. A father was sitting on a driver's seat and "Hijiri" was on a passenger seat. Mother was sitting in the middle of backseat ,"Meguru" was to the left and " Reiko" was to the right. A track clashed the back of their car from behind. The car of Chii family collided with a telegraph pole in the form pushed. Father died instantly and mother died instantly like protecting "Meguru and Reiko". "Hijiri" got damage a spine and both feet were inconvenient.

After 6 years later, the twins "Meguru and Reiko" who became 12 years old take a trip of a pilgrimage to sacred places. It was a trip which they follow the footprint of a father and a mother.

Hijiri Meguru Reiko (Mogura)

長女、18歳、高校3年生。ボブカット。車椅子。バリアフリーが充実している聖地巡礼先にしか行くことができない。12歳で、事故に遭う。両親の事故、今の境遇を受け止め、前向きに生きている。大学受験を控える。 事故後、長かった黒髪を切り、ボブカットに。不自由な身体では、ロングヘアはうるさかったため。


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